Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Everwing Trophy Hack

Hi again friends! HaHa!

Successfully modified the gold in the game? Congrats! How about trophy? Hard and boring right? But since I'm in a good mood today I'll share how to modify trophy earning yey!

Using Cheat Engine to modify trophy is a bit harder than changing gold just like what I said in my previous post. You need a constant changing value the bigger the better because it's easier to find and there's a low chance it has an identical value. The case with the trophy is you have to defeat the boss or kill the annoying thick armored monster that is flying around the screen to get one. That means it's hard to find the value using the play die method and it's a long process. BUT! Of course there's an easier way which I'm sharing today.

I went through the trouble for the benefit of others lol. No. I just accidentally notice the addresses. Ok let's start.

To get the trophy value the first step is do the routine of getting the gold. Play a game, die and search the gold value in Cheat Engine. Do the process until you have the address for the gold. Now, the trick on getting the trophy address is just add a hex value of 0x10 in the gold address. I don't have a screenshot right now but you'll get the idea anyway you cheating monkey.. If you add 0x10 in the golde address you'll get the address for trophy and you're good to go. Just remember the maximum trophy you can earn in a game is 2500. So even you put a higher amount it will still gives you 2500 trophy no matter what.

That's all mate! Easy right? Haha.

Who knows what will you might find if you add some more to the address *wink* *wink*

Friday, July 14, 2017

Gold, Trophy, Experience, Damage cheat in EverWing

I saw one my office mate playing this Facebook game called EverWing and got curious since I also saw some of my friends playing it as well. I played it for just a few minutes and got bored easily. Not really a fan of this kind of game but since most of my friends are addicted to it I thought of a way just to annoy them and submit to quit lol. Currently I have a maxed account, all the characters including Arcana and a collection of level 30 dragons :D.

I searched the Internet before for available cheats but only found old methods then I saw one using the infamous Cheat Engine. I didn't think it would be possible to use Cheat Engine on Everwing since most of online games are server sided(values). But it's a small game anyway so maybe it is possible. Since I use Cheat Engine in a lot of games I'm already familiar with it and even I haven't watched the video I saw, I know what will be the procedure..

Play. Find. Play. Found. Tada!

I'm too lazy to post a screenshot of the step by step procedure but every Cheat Engine users knows that if you need to find a value you just need to search it, make it increase or decrease then search it again and voila! you have your precious memory address where you can change the value until your heart content.

Here's the step-by-step on how to get the gold address (without screenshot)

1. Run Cheat Engine
2. Find the process of the browser you're using but wait! There's a somewhat "tricky part". It's not actually the process of the browser that you need to attach to but the plugin that is used by EverWing. So if you're running multiple plugin, tabs or window of a browser you might see plenty of process with the same name.

The fastest and simplest way to filter and find the exact process you need to attached to is to use Chrome since it has a Task Manager where you can find the process of the plugin directly. You just need to get the PID or the Process ID of the plugin, it is in decimal but in Cheat Engine the ID is in Hex format so you might want to convert it first to match it with the one in Cheat Engine. You can still use other browsers. Just be sure you're running a single instance/tab of it so you won't have any trouble finding the process.

And now that you have found your process. I assume you already attached Cheat Engine to it. Now let's start digging those gold and trophies!

3. Play a game
4. Die
5. Check the result and get the value of the gold you earned. Then search that value in Cheat Engine.
6. Play a game. Again.
7. Die. Again.
8. Now check the result and search the new value. You might do the same process a couple of times until it gives you few results or hopefully the exact address.
9. If you already have a hunch that you found the address you're looking for try changing it and freeze it to test it out. Play a game. If the gold changes to the value you put and stuck at that value.. you found the X spot! 

You can do the same with trophy but it's harder since you will only see it change if you got a trophy or basically, defeated a boss. And the hard part of it is, if you use the same method play..die.. you'll only get 1-2 trophies and it will take forever to filter out the address you're looking for since it's a common and small number. Good luck finding the address within the million result haha.

BUT! With a bit of tinkering and playing with the addresses there's an easier way to find the address of trophy, experience and damage! But since I'm out of time and this post is currently my longest I'll take a break and post it another time. Greedy AF!

Just a reminder if ever you found the addresses there's a limit or max value for each. So don't be surprised if the value you put doesn't reflect the same with the result. I know most of you will surely put 99999999999999 hahaha.

Gold = 15,000
Trophy = 2500
Experience = 9,999
Damage = 999, 999
That's all for now!

No need to flame me for cheating coz I don't care haha. I don't brag or share it outside my facebook friends. I just want to annoy them lol.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Self-Proclaimed Cracker Lol

My fascination with computers doesn't end with just using, playing, developing, etc with it but also how it literally works, the hardware and software. I mean, how the hardware translate/execute the software and the process behind it to the lowest level.

When I was in college one of my professor introduced us to software cracking although he didn't teach us (just showed us how to make an app registered for free lol). It opened my mind into the brand new world called, cracking. I was really into it I even bought a bunch of tutorial CDs. I learned the history, the basics and the tools. Unfortunately, for whatever reasons it didn't sink into my brain whatever I do haha. Assembly language is just a bit too much for me I think.

But today! I made a milestone LOL. I just cracked my very first software. I'm not bragging, seriously, I just feel alive because for a very long time.. at last! I cracked a software lol. Ok, before you criticize my cracking skillzzz it's not really a super secured software neither a widely used one. But hey it's my first and it's all that matter (well, at least to me :D)

I'm only doing this for personal and educational purposes only. I'm a software a developer and I think it's normal if I can make one, I can break or reverse one too.

Ok, here's how I did it. The app has a 30-day trial period and requires the user to purchase a license key. The checking of license is very simple. It was done by a routine inside a timer. Basically if I turn off the timer the problem is solve since it only relies on the timer and doesn't even check on startup. But just to make it a little bit more "complicated" I made some more changes haha. When calling the license checker, it calls a function requires two parameters the registration id and the key. It calls another function to check if it is valid and return the no. of days it will be valid. But again the succeeding routine is not very hard it will only check if the no. of days is greater than 0 and it will continue as normal. So what I did is fixed the no. of days to 9999 so it will never expire plus it will also be displayed on the about which is what I want lol. And that's it! My simple mind enjoyed it so forgive me haha.

DISCLAIMER: The app was actually can be registered legally since we purchased their hardware but we don't have enough time to wait for the supplier to send us the key since we really need to install it to the client.

NOTE: I can't post the tools I use.. uhm you know.. :D but there's a lot of "FREE" tools out there like Ollydbg, .NET Reflectors, Ildasm to name a few.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Beacon and Egg For Breakfast

It's been a while since I wrote something (uhm like anyone cares bro :D)

Someone recently introduce me to Beacons which really got my attention. I think I haven't heard it here in the Philippines that's why I'm trying to learn about this technology and how it works (and possibly implement it in the future).

So what actually is a (Bluetooth) Beacon?
Bluetooth beacons are hardware transmitters - a class of Bluetooth low energy (LE) devices that broadcast their identifier to nearby portable electronic devices. The technology enables smartphones, tablets and other devices to perform actions when in close proximity to a beacon. - Wikipedia
As far as my understanding goes.. Basically it uses BLE or Blueooth low energy technology to advertise signal which can be received or detected by other devices like smartphones. Although mostly you can see it as a hardware transmitter it can also be emulated or spoofed using a smartphones or other devices like arduino. Since I'm more on software development (duh you're a programmer bro) I'm more interested on developing Beacon emulation on a smartphone. I tested a few libraries to try some features and functionalities and found out that there's a few known formats available and possibly just them.

1. iBeacon (Apple) - Apple defined iBeacon prefix, followed by a variable UUID, and a major, minor pair.
2. Eddystone-UID (Google) - A unique, static ID with a 10-byte Namespace component and a 6-byte Instance component.
3. Eddystone-URL (Google) - A compressed URL that, once parsed and decompressed, is directly usable by the client.
4. Eddystone-TLM (Google) - Beacon status data that is useful for beacon fleet maintenance, and powers Google Proximity Beacon API's diagnostics endpoint. -TLM should be interleaved with an identifying frame such as Eddystone-UID or Eddystone-EID (for which the encrypted eTLM version preserves security).
5. Eddystone-EID (Google) - A time-varying beacon frame that can be resolved to a stable identifier by a linked resolver, such as Proximity Beacon API.
6. AltBeacon (Radius Networks) - is made up of a 1-byte length field, 1-byte type field and two-byte company identifier, as prescribed by the Manufacturer Specific Advertising Data structure format, followed by 24 additional bytes containing the beacon advertisement data.

Most of them are almost the same in a way that they all broadcast a unique id iBeacon, Eddystone-UID and AltBeacon. I haven't tried all of them but I personally like Eddystone-URL which advertises a Web URL. I think there's a lot of application for this one since it pushes a URL and you can do plenty of things with it. iBeacon is trademark of Apple and Eddystone is a trademark of Google. AltBeacon on the other hand is an initiative by Radius Network for an open and interoperable specification for proximity beacons.

I have tried building a sample app using Cordova and this library by petermetz from github since Cordova was my first choice. Unfortunately I'm an android user and currently it doesn't support advertisement (yet) although the developer mentioned that it will be included in the future. I chose Cordova because I can't code in Java that means I have a higher chance on making an app using it lol. Anyway, I found a much more complete library using AltBeacon library which is open source by the way. It's probably complete it can parse and emulate any format mentioned above which is nice since you can switch anytime depends on your preference. Currently I'm testing their sample for Xamarin. Xamarin uses C# as language for their mobile development platform and it is the closest language I can understand lol.

Also, while browsing for resources I also came across with the word "The Physical Web" which sparks my curiosity, again :D Currently I'm planning on playing with Eddystone URL format and The Physical Web which works well together and probably make a useful app with it.

My first app in PlayStore I hope! ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

MU Origin Text Fader (Gradient)

Haha! Just for fun.

I've been playing this game recently called MU Origin SEA. Since I'm still new to the game I became curious when I saw a player chatting with a different text color. I was puzzled on how he did it because there's no option for text color. Then I found out how. MU uses hex code for coloring the text similar to HTML/CSS. The only difference is, it is enclosed in brackets. Before, I use an online text fader to generate HTML color codes then replaced the tags with brackets but I got tired so I decided to make my own :)

Check the screenshot for example.

Unfortunately you can only use this with Android emulators since this is only for PC.

How to use.
1. Type the text you want to have a fade effect.
2. Click Generate button. (NOTE: Generate automatically copies the text to the clipboard so you can easily paste it to the emulator window.)
3. Optionally you can click the Copy button just to make sure it is in the clipboard.

Virus Scan

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Best of Pinoy Republic ft. GFX Artists of PR (RARE) e-Magazine/Page flip

Galing baul. Heh.

Friday, February 27, 2015

[PORT] TWRP for ME Rainbow 7 Quadcore (Eken GT70S-HD)

Too much effort for a cheap tablet eh? Haha.

Here's my ported version of TWRP for my beloved tablet lol. All function works except.. it can't mount external sd.

1. Copy the zip file (TWRP_for_ME_Rainbow7.zip) to your internal storage (not in External SD)
2. Flash it via Stock recovery.
3. Reboot

To check if it works
- Goto to Settings > Backup & >Reset Recovery Mode
- You can check my earlier post to enable/enter recovery mode using hardware keys(Volume Up + Power).



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