Tuesday, May 24, 2016

MU Origin Text Fader (Gradient)

Haha! Just for fun.

I've been playing this game recently called MU Origin SEA. Since I'm still new to the game I became curious when I saw a player chatting with a different text color. I was puzzled on how he did it because there's no option for text color. Then I found out how. MU uses hex code for coloring the text similar to HTML/CSS. The only difference is, it is enclosed in brackets. Before, I use an online text fader to generate HTML color codes then replaced the tags with brackets but I got tired so I decided to make my own :)

Check the screenshot for example.

Unfortunately you can only use this with Android emulators since this is only for PC.

How to use.
1. Type the text you want to have a fade effect.
2. Click Generate button. (NOTE: Generate automatically copies the text to the clipboard so you can easily paste it to the emulator window.)
3. Optionally you can click the Copy button just to make sure it is in the clipboard.

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