Thursday, October 24, 2013

[VB.NET] OpenVPN GUI 101: TAP Adapter Detection

They say there are other ways to check whether you have TAP driver(s) installed in your system but since I don't know what they are I'll just show you the way that I know :p

A little intro. If you know how to use the regedit(Registry Editor) you can browse this key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\NET". If the key "NET" doesn't exist that means you don't have TAP driver installed else you will see all the virtual network adapters available or installed in your system. They are divided in subkeys starting from 0000, 0001, 0002 and so on. That's our meal.

So we now know where to check the adapters manually in the registry, now let's start building our code to check it programmatically. First we need to import the following so that we can use the Registry Class which we will be needing to access the registry key mentioned above.

Imports Microsoft.Win32

Then the nice part...

'Variable declaration
Dim regTap As RegistryKey
Dim tap0901 As Boolean = False
Dim regTmp As RegistryKey
Dim regTmpVal As String

'Let's try to open the "NET" key
regTap = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\Root\\NET", False)
'Does "NET" key exist?
If regTap Is Nothing Then
  'If it doesn't then...
  GoTo NoTap
'If it does then...
'Each virtual adapters are placed inside a key and are named starting from 0000(0001,0002, on so on). Let's read each subkey inside "NET" key so we can check if there's a TAP installed.
For Each x As String In regTap .GetSubKeyNames
  'Open each subkey.
  regTmp = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\Root\\NET\\" & x.Trim, False)
  'Our main interest is "HardwareID" the value of it will serve as our keyword if the subkey being checked is a TAP driver or not
  regTmpVal = regTmp.GetValue("HardwareID")(0)

  'tap0901 by default is false
  If tap0901 = False Then
    'if "HardwareID" is equals to "tap0901" which is the ID of TAP then set our v     ariable tap0901 to true :)
    If regTmpVal = "tap0901" Then
      tap0901 = True
    End If
  End If
  regTmpVal = ""
End If
'Some codes here



I'm a modern human swiss knife. Not sure why I'm a coder I can't even rember the simplest syntax in any language lol. But I'll do anything for food so yeah I'm a programmer. And a fast one *wink*


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