This was an old code wayback 2007??. I'm always facinated with networking how server and client communicate, the passing of data back and forth that kind of stuffs. I was learning winsock back then and
this was my first exercise. Nothing special here but if you're still into VB6 you might still get an idea about winsock.
Dim ServerData As String, ClientData As String, ServerInfo() As String, ServerIPandPort() As String, ParseCode As String, ParseCode1 As String Dim newL As ListItem, UserInfo() As String Dim FriendsInfo() As String, FriendsProfile() As String Dim ProviderData() As String, Providers() As String Dim KeepAlive1 As Long, KeepAlive2 As Long, KeepAliveHead As String Dim CreditEnd1 As Long, CreditEnd2 As Long Dim SendingState As Boolean, FriendsOK As Boolean Private Sub cmbUsers_Click() cmbNos.ListIndex = cmbUsers.ListIndex End Sub Private Sub cmdConnect_Click() If cmdConnect.Caption = "Connect" Then cmdConnect.Caption = "Disconnect" sckServer.Close sckServer.Connect "", 6301 stbStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Disconnected" stbStatus.Panels(2).Text = "N/A" stbStatus.Panels(3).Text = "N/A" stbStatus.Panels(4).Text = "N/A" ' Else If sckServer.State = sckConnected Then sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "02:007" & Chr$(&H9) & "3E" & Chr$(&H3) sckServer.Close cmdConnect.Caption = "Connect" End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCredits_Click() If sckServer.State = sckConnected Then sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "23:017" & Chr$(&H9) & "42" & Chr$(&H3) '02 32 33 3a 30 30 39 09 34 33 03 .23:009. 43. End Sub Private Sub cmdSend_Click() sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "14:007" & Chr$(&H9) & "001:" & cmbNos.Text & Chr$(&H9) & "030:0" & Chr$(&H9) & "032:" & txtMSG.Text & Chr$(&H2E) & Chr$(&H9) & "A1" & Chr$(&H3) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() SendingState = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "02:011" & Chr$(&H9) & "39" & Chr$(&H3) End Sub Private Sub sckServer_Close() KeepAlive1 = &H4 KeepAlive2 = &H42 KeepAliveHead = "40:020" CreditEnd1 = &H4 CreditEnd2 = &H4A cmdConnect.Caption = "Connect" stbStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Disconnected" stbStatus.Panels(2).Text = "N/A" stbStatus.Panels(3).Text = "N/A" stbStatus.Panels(4).Text = "N/A" End Sub Private Sub sckServer_Connect() stbStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Authenticating..." End Sub 'CTPv1.2 Kamusta 1213676783 Private Sub sckServer_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) If SendingState Then MsgBox "Last query is still on-progress. Try again later." Exit Sub End If sckServer.GetData ServerData ParseCode = Left$(ServerData, 7) ParseCode = Mid(ParseCode, 2) ParseCode1 = Left$(ServerData, 3) ParseCode1 = Mid(ParseCode1, 2) 'Start If Left$(ServerData, 3) = "CTP" Then ServerInfo() = Split(ServerData, " ") 'ServerIPandPort() = Split(ServerInfo(2), ":") stbStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Connected (" & ServerInfo(0) & ")" stbStatus.Panels(4).Text = "Session ID: " & ServerInfo(3) sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "43" & Chr$(&H3A) & "001" & Chr$(&H9) & "001:9" & Chr$(&H9) & "003:v01" & Chr$(&H2E) & "01" & Chr$(&H2E) & "02" & Chr$(&H2E) & "000" & Chr$(&H9) & "002:v04" & Chr$(&H2E) & "03" & Chr$(&H2E) & "00" & Chr$(&H2E) & "000" & Chr$(&H9) & "60" & Chr$(&H3) '02 34 33 3a 30 30 31 09 30 30 31 3a 39 09 30 30 .43:001. 001:9.00 '33 3a 76 30 31 2e 30 31 2e 30 32 2e 30 30 30 09 3:v01.01 .02.000. '30 30 32 3a 76 30 34 2e 30 32 2e 30 30 2e 30 30 002:v04. 02.00.00 '31 09 36 30 03 1.60. End If Select Case ParseCode 'Login info Case "93:001" 'Case "93" If Len(txtUsername.Text) < 12 Then sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "01:003" & Chr$(&H9) & "003:9" & Chr$(&H9) & "004:4" & Chr$(&H9) & "002:" & txtPassword.Text & Chr$(&H9) & "001:" & txtUsername.Text & Chr$(&H9) & "9B" & Chr$(&H3) Else sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "01:003" & Chr$(&H9) & "003:9" & Chr$(&H9) & "004:4" & Chr$(&H9) & "002:" & txtPassword.Text & Chr$(&H9) & "001:" & txtUsername.Text & Chr$(&H9) & "3A" & Chr$(&H3) End If '02 30 31 3a 30 30 33 09 30 30 33 3a 39 09 30 30 .01:003. 003:9.00 '34 3a 34 09 30 30 32 3a 62 6f 73 73 74 77 65 65 4:4.002: aaaaaaaa '64 09 30 30 31 3a 30 30 39 31 38 36 33 32 34 34 a.001:00 91863244 '30 39 09 33 41 03 09.3A. 'Retreive User info Case "41:000" 'Case "41" UserInfo() = Split(ServerData, ":") stbStatus.Panels(2).Text = Mid(UserInfo(2), 1, Len(UserInfo(2)) - 4) & " " & Mid(UserInfo(3), 1, Len(UserInfo(3)) - 4) stbStatus.Panels(3).Text = Mid(UserInfo(4), 1, Len(UserInfo(4)) - 4) sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "91:000" & Chr$(&H9) & "3F" & Chr$(&H3) '02 39 31 3a 30 30 30 09 33 46 03 .91:000. 3F. 'Parse friends Case "31:004" 'Case "31" lstFriends.ListItems.Clear cmbUsers.Clear FriendsInfo() = Split(ServerData, "010:") For x = 1 To UBound(FriendsInfo) FriendsProfile() = Split(FriendsInfo(x), ":") cmbUsers.AddItem Mid(FriendsProfile(2), 1, Len(FriendsProfile(2)) - 4) cmbNos.AddItem "0" & Right(Mid(FriendsProfile(0), 1, Len(FriendsProfile(0)) - 4), 10) Set newL = lstFriends.ListItems.Add newL.Text = Mid(FriendsProfile(2), 1, Len(FriendsProfile(2)) - 4) newL.SubItems(1) = Mid(FriendsProfile(0), 1, Len(FriendsProfile(0)) - 4) newL.SubItems(2) = Mid(FriendsProfile(20), 1, Len(FriendsProfile(20)) - 4) Next sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "89:002" & Chr$(&H9) & "48" & Chr$(&H3) & Chr$(&H2) & "24:005" & Chr$(&H9) & "40" & Chr$(&H3) '02 38 39 3a 30 30 32 09 34 38 03 .89:002. 48. '02 32 34 3a 30 30 35 09 34 30 03 .24:005. 40. pausefor 2 cmdCredits_Click 'Case "30:028" Case Else End Select 'Credits If Left$(ParseCode, 2) = "30" Then lstCredits.ListItems.Clear cmbProvider.Clear ProviderData() = Split(ServerData, "040:") For x = 1 To UBound(ProviderData) Providers() = Split(ProviderData(x), ":") Set newL = lstCredits.ListItems.Add newL.Text = Mid(Providers(0), 1, Len(Providers(0)) - 4) newL.SubItems(1) = Mid(Providers(1), 1, Len(Providers(1)) - 4) newL.SubItems(2) = Mid(Providers(2), 1, Len(Providers(2)) - 7) newL.SubItems(3) = Int(newL.SubItems(1)) - Int(newL.SubItems(2)) cmbProvider.AddItem newL.Text Next 'sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "89:" & Right("000" & Hex(CreditEnd1), 3) & Chr$(&H9) & Right("00" & Hex(CreditEnd2), 2) & Chr$(&H3) CreditEnd1 = CreditEnd1 + 2 CreditEnd2 = CreditEnd2 + 2 If cmbProvider.ListCount > 0 Then cmbProvider.ListIndex = 0 End If 'Misc Select Case ParseCode1 Case "40" sckServer.SendData Chr$(&H2) & "90:" & Right("000" & Hex(KeepAlive1), 3) & Chr$(&H9) & Right("00" & Hex(KeepAlive2), 2) & Chr$(&H3) KeepAlive1 = KeepAlive1 + 2 KeepAlive2 = KeepAlive2 + 2 '02 39 30 3a 30 30 34 09 34 32 03 .90:004. 42. Case Else End Select End Sub Private Sub sckServer_SendComplete() SendingState = False End Sub 'Send Message '02 31 34 3a 30 30 37 09 30 30 31 3a 30 39 31 38 .14:007. 001:0918 '36 33 32 34 34 30 39 09 30 33 30 3a 30 09 30 33 6324409. 030:0.03 '32 3a 75 77 6f 20 73 77 69 74 2e 09 41 31 03 2:uwo sw it..A1. Private Sub sckServer_SendProgress(ByVal bytesSent As Long, ByVal bytesRemaining As Long) SendingState = True End SubNOTE: This was made specifically for old Chikka version and will not work with the current version. Chikka is based on Jabber if you're interested making your own clone out of the latest version you might want to check Jabber.NET.